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* Final Net Puzzle- The goal is to cut the net in half. * Print the Pics- match the purple symbols to make 4 numbers * See gallery for the colored door puzzle * Go to room 39 and use the star card to go to the other rooms, find the room with the carved bird to find hidden passage way (also talk to Savhannah) * Security Cards Lock- blue, red, green, yellow, purple * Find the red key in room 18 for the security lock by front desk * EVP- Electronic Voice Phenomenon, read Savannah's book and take EVP's in the spots mentioned * Once you figure out the puzzle box take the tile piece to the baths and see gallery to solve. * Puzzle Box- Use the note you find on the subway. * Chado- The tea ceremony, see my gallery for help I connect with her deeply > get from Yumi She's upbeat, perky, bossy, funny and has a very strong personality. She runs a Bento stand called Happy Bento in the inner city. Yumi Shimizu- Oldest daughter and is supposed to inherit the Inn though she has zero interest in it. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Her Defense level is 1000 so try to use more of your stealth attacks when approaching her. She does not get along very well with him or her older sister Yumi.

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really?!) Rentaro is her boyfriend who works as a kind of maintenance man for the ryokan. The slightest things can set her off so be careful what you say to her! Her mother's name is Kasumi and she's very sensitive about the fact her mother drowned in the baths where she works (no.

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She's devoted to the hotel even though she is the youngest sister and is not the one that is supposed to inherit the businesses. Miwako Shimizu- She's the receptionist at the Ryokan Hiei. It's up to Nancy, with a little help from her best friends, a mysterious author and her quirky assistant, to solve this very spooky mystery! The Ryokan Hiei is said to be haunted by Miwako and Yumi's mother, who died from drowning in the baths. But it takes a lot more than that to frighten our Nancy! While Bess and George are at the convention looking at the new gizmos and gadgets, Nancy is trying to solve a ghostly mystery at night while she teaches English during the day (I enjoy grading their papers). Even the people that go there because of that very reason, are so scared that they end up leaving.

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The Inn has a bad reputation for being haunted.

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Krolmeister (from Trail of the Twister) has made good on his promise to send Nancy and her friends to his favorite traditional Japanese Inn or Ryokan in Kyoto.

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